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EU VAT registration - VAT in Bulgaria

VAT registration in Bulgaria

General Information:

Value added tax was first introduced in Bulgaria in 1994. The VAT legislation in Bulgaria is contained in the Value Added Tax Act of 2006. (Zakon za Danak varhu Dobawenata Stoinost). Bulgaria has incorporated into its VAT Act of 2006, the provisions on VAT, the directives created by the European Union, to which Bulgaria acceded in January 2007. In Bulgaria, the authority responsible for administering VAT is the National Revenue Agency (NRA) supervised by the Bulgarian Ministry Finance.

As with all EU countries, companies trading in Bulgaria and supplying taxable goods or services must comply with Bulgarian legislation. This includes the obligation to register as Bulgarian VAT, comply with VAT regulations, and complete regular Bulgarian VAT returns and other returns.

VAT registration in Bulgaria for companies:

Foreign companies can register for VAT in Bulgaria without having to set up a local company, i.e. you can register as a non-resident. In Bulgaria, there is no VAT threshold for the registration of foreign entrepreneurs. However, the application for a VAT number must be submitted to the appropriate department. This also applies to situations where foreign companies carry out intra-Community supplies of goods. If you know that you need to register VAT in Bulgaria, do not hesitate and contact us and we will help you.

When is VAT registration in Bulgaria required?

⇒ imported goods sent to the European Union via Bulgaria;

purchase and sale of products in Bulgaria;

warehousing goods in Bulgaria;

sale of goods from Bulgaria to other EU countries;

sending goods between and to another EU member state (intra-Community supplies)

⇒ organization of live events (conferences related to art or education) in Bulgaria;

⇒ own delivery of goods.

⇒ if the company is not a VAT payer but uses services in Bulgaria on a reverse charge basis.

Why Should You Choose Us?

We are a company with many years of experience, we have been operating on the market for 10+ years. We approach each client with great care.

Why Should You Choose Us?

We support each client individually.

What do we offer?

We offer you a number of solutions related to online sales. Thanks to the experience gained and foreign sales activities, we were able to expand the range of services we offer.

What do we offer?

System to support e-commerce activities, VAT registration in European countries, Amazon account reinstatement and more.

How can I register VAT in Bulgaria?

The application for VAT registration must be completed through the website of the public administration in Bulgaria (Национална агенция за приходите). Foreign taxpayers who do not have a permanent residence or permanent establishment in Bulgaria, receive a Bulgarian VAT number only if they apply for it separately and if they supply goods or services in Bulgaria. The VAT application form must include your reasons for registering for VAT. Under EU VAT directives, a local Bulgarian representative or tax agent is not required by a company resident in another EU Member State and such companies can register directly with the Bulgarian tax office. However, a tax representative who is jointly and severally liable for Bulgarian VAT is required by the Bulgarian Tax Office for non-EU companies. A tax representative is not required by non-EU companies that are based in a country that has a mutual assistance treaty with Bulgaria.



Local VAT number

BG+ 9 digits or 10 digits

Country Code


Mail order threshold

10.000 € net per annum

VAT declaration submission


Registration Waiting Time

Up to 2 months

Annual Declaration


Standard VAT Rate


Reduced VAT Rate


Member state of the European Union

Yes, since 2007.