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  • The Tax Office in Italy provides the option of settling VAT for 2021
Tick.The Tax Office in Italy release possibilities to make annual declaration for 2021
Tick 26th January 2022 0 Comments

The Italian tax authority has published the updated Italian annual VAT return for 2021 (“Modello IVA 2022 – Periodo d’imposta 2021”). The final form and instructions can be downloaded from the website of the Italian tax office.

The annual tax return calculates the VAT amount of the Italian taxpayer for the previous calendar year and any VAT refunds or due VAT payments. In addition to the difference between input tax (VAT on purchases) and tax payable (VAT on sales), any recurring payments and tax credits arising from the previous year’s annual return that have not been deducted or deducted from other taxes are also taken into account.

Annual VAT declaration must be filed between February 1 and April 30, 2022 using the appropriate forms and reporting software and submitted online via Fisconline / Entratel services, either directly by the taxpayer or through authorized intermediaries (e.g. Tick).

Need help with your VAT compliance in Italy? Speak to one of our experts today. We are happy to help.

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