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How will FBA operate in the UK from 1 January 2021
Tick 4th October 2020 0 Comments

The UK is expected to formally leave the EU’s Single Market and Customs Union on 1st of January 2021. At this point, negotiations between the UK and the EU (including a tariff arrangement) are ongoing. On January 1st, 2021, it will affect companies that operate between the UK and the EU, as well as their inventories in FBA UK and the EU.

From January 1st, 2021, Amazon will stop shipping inventories across the UK and EU borders. For some, this means that if you have enough stock in FC EU for a period when it can be difficult to replenish until new customs and shipping arrangements become clear, then you can safely sell. For others, this will mean that Continental European FC’s inventory will be exhausted by 1st of January 2021. After that, it will be more difficult to replenish stock back to the UK.

The good news is that you can still use the same FBA SKU for your UK and EU entry, however the FBA’s stock pools will be split to reflect the different quantities in each. For an offer to be active (i.e. in stock) in the UK, it must have UK FC shares and vice versa in the EU.

For example, if you send 60 units to UK FC and 40 units to German FC, you will receive two FBA stock pools – you will have 60 units available in your UK offers and 40 units will become available in any EU market (as long as you have enabled EFN or Pan-EU in EU). Amazon will be sharing more detailed information and schedule in the coming months.

As Amazon will not ship items across the customs border, you will not be able to create inventory pickup orders in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, or the Czech Republic for return to a UK address (and vice versa). To receive a return of inventory, you will have the following restrictions when creating a pickup request:

  • Enter a valid UK address to clear UK FC inventory

  • Enter a valid EU address (UK excluded) to clear German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish or Czech FC inventory.

    To return inventory, you must create a pickup request to the local address where the inventory is held. You can then arrange for a courier to pick up your inventory from that address and ship those items back.

If you have automatic removals turned on, these returns will only be processed if your auto removal address is local to your inventory storage.

To stay up to date on Amazon news regarding the UK’s final break-up with the EU, visit the support page of Amazon.

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