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Packaging Waste Obligation (ROP) Guide for Amazon Sellers

The recent introduction of the Packaging Waste Reporting Obligation (ROP) in the UK marks a significant step forward in the ever-changing landscape of environmental regulations. While the obligation to pay ROP fees has been deferred, it is crucial for sellers to understand the scope of their responsibilities in this field.

Understanding the Scope of Extended Producer Responsibility

Packaging, as defined in packaging waste regulations, encompasses any material used to cover or protect goods sold to consumers. This includes materials facilitating easier and safer handling and delivery, as well as empty packaging such as disposable coffee cups.

Identifying as a Packaging Producer in the UK under Extended Producer Responsibility

Determining whether one qualifies as a producer involves engaging in activities such as supplying goods under one’s own brand, handling unbranded packaging, importing products in packaging, operating an online store, or providing reusable packaging. Meeting these criteria confirms one’s producer status and entails compliance with packaging waste regulations.

In essence, if your product includes any form of packaging, it is subject to these regulations.

Responsibilities of Amazon Sellers Outside the UK: For sellers conducting business and selling goods subject to Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging in the UK market through Amazon but not based in the UK, compliance with these regulations entails automatic registration with the Amazon Pay on Author service, starting from 2023. This service manages sales data reporting and facilitates the payment of environmental fees to the appropriate Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) designated by Amazon.

Responsibilities of Amazon Sellers Based in the UK: Sellers based in the UK must adhere to obligations regarding Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging. These obligations vary depending on whether the company is considered small or large.

If you are a non-established supplier meeting producer criteria and not selling through Amazon, you must directly adhere to your obligations regarding Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging.

Some of the duties associated with being a Packaging Producer (ROP) in the UK include:

  • Collecting and reporting data on delivered or imported packaging.
  • Paying waste management fees.
  • Administrator system payment costs.
  • Paying fees to the environmental regulatory body.
  • Obtaining Packaging Waste Recycling Notes (PRNs) or Packaging Waste Export Recycling Notes (PERNs) related to your recycling obligations.
  • Reporting information on which country within the UK packaging is delivered to and which country within the UK packaging is disposed of — referred to as “domestic data”.
  • Check [link] for more information on ROP packaging.

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