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Everything you need to know about SAF-T in Lithuania
Tick 3rd January 2022 0 Comments

The VAT reporting i.MAS obligation was introduced in 2016 for large organizations. It has become mandatory for all businesses in 2020.

i.MAS consists of three main parts which are called i.SAF, i.VAZ and i.SAF-T.

  • I.SAF invoice details:  This electronic register of sales and purchase invoices in XML format is sent monthly with VAT declaration < / b> by the 20th of the month following the reporting period. All companies registered as VAT payers must complete an application.
  • i.VAZ transport / shipping document:  XML data supporting documents for national road haulage.
  • i.SAF-T: Accounting transaction reporting for resident enterprises only. Currently, this is only required at the request of the tax authority. 

i.SAF:  All taxpayers registered as VAT payers must send “i.SAF” (data from VAT invoices issued and received under his Lithuanian VAT number ) to the Tax Office system.

It is sent in XML format with a monthly frequency (until the 20th of the following month).

JPK (or i.SAF-T): reporting of JPK accounting transactions only for resident enterprises. It is only mandatory if requested.

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