This Privacy Policy, hereinafter also referred to as the Policy, sets out the rules for the processing and protection of personal data and cookies collected in connection with the use of the website maintained at: https://www.taxopolis.eu (further „service by TICK”).


General information.

  1. The administrator of personal data within the meaning of the provisions on the protection of personal data is TICK EU Limited Company with its registered office in Poznań, address: ul. Sielawy 21a/5, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court “Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu”, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0001023865, REGON: 524681253, NIP: 9721337160, e-mail: support@tickeu.com.
  2. Competition data administrator is a competition organizer that collects and processes data in connection with competitions carried out on the TICK website. The provisions regarding the Personal Data Administrator apply accordingly to the Competition Data Administrator.
  3. Furthermore, for the purposes of better reception of the Privacy Policy, it should be clarified that the term „User” means a natural person, and the term „Administrator” may be replaced with „TICK”. The term „GDPR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals in regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC.
  4. This privacy policy applies to all personal data processed in connection with the use of the “TICK” website, regardless of the form of their processing. The policy is stored in an electronic version and in a paper version at the headquarters of TICK. For effective implementation of the privacy policy, TICK ensures:
  5. technical measures and organizational solutions appropriate to the threats and categories of protected data,
  6. control and supervision over the processing of personal data,
  7. monitoring the protection measures applied, which includes in particular the activities of processors, violation of data access rules and protection against external and internal attacks.
  8. TICK ensures that the activities performed in connection with the processing and securing of personal data are in accordance with this security policy and relevant provisions of generally applicable law.



Personal data processed by TICK as a personal data administrator

  and competition data administrator.


  1. Personal data is only for the purposes of implementing services provided as part of the TICK website. In addition, they may be processed, with the consent of Users, for legally justified purposes of TICK, including direct marketing of TICK products and services, as well as entrepreneurs cooperating with it.
  2. Personal data processed by TICK is collected in databases.
  3. TICK stores data of a textual nature (such as, for example, name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number).
  4. TICK does not undertake processing activities that could be associated with a serious probability of a high risk for the rights and freedoms of individuals.
  5. When planning new processing activities, TICK will analyze their effects on personal data protection and consider data protection issues at the planning stage.
  6. Personal data contained in the application forms for competitions organized as part of the TICK website are processed only for the purposes of implementing the competition. In addition, they can be processed, with the consent of Users, for legally justified purposes of TICK, including direct marketing of products and services of companies cooperating with it.
  7. Personal data processed by TICK as the competition data administrator is collected in databases.
  8. As a competition data administrator, TICK stores data of a textual nature (such as, e.g. name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number) and graphic data (such as, e.g. photos of the competition work, photo of a receipt), collected in connection with conducted competitions.
  9. TICK at the request of a participant in the TICK website, when settling the results of ongoing competitions, can generate a file in the “zip” extension, containing a file in PDF format, on which the appropriate text and graphic data of the Participant will be placed. A copy of this file is not stored on the server.
  10. After the end of the contests, at the end of the complaint period, TICK, as the administrator of competition data, deletes the data collected in connection with participation in the competition, with the exception of works placed in the gallery and the data of competition winners, for the period necessary to conduct the competition, until the selection of winners and transfer of prizes, however not longer than until the Participant withdraws his consent to their processing. The above does not apply to Participants who, after logging in to the website, continue to use its functionalities.
  11. TICK does not undertake processing activities that could be associated with a serious probability of a high risk for the rights and freedoms of individuals.
  12. When planning new processing activities by TICK, as the competition data administrator, it will analyze their effects on the protection of personal data and consider data protection issues at the planning stage.
  13. Data protection is carried out in accordance with the requirements of generally applicable law, and their storage takes place on secured servers.




The scope and purpose of data processing.

Duties and responsibilities in the field of data security management.


  1. The processing of personal data takes place in accordance with this privacy policy and other internal documents of TICK and the resulting procedures related to the processing of personal data as part of the usage of the TICK website.
  1. When processing personal data, TICK uses organizational and technical measures in accordance with applicable law, including encrypting the connection with an SSL certificate.
  1. All personal data collected as part of using the TICK website are processed in accordance with the processing principles provided for by law:
    1. in each case, when there is a basis for data processing provided for by law (and the processing does not violate the rights and freedoms of the data subject in the scope and purpose consistent with the consent expressed by the User), in particular in the scope and purpose necessary to establish, shape the content the contract, changes or termination thereof and the correct implementation of services provided electronically through the TICK website,
    2. data is processed fairly and transparently,
    3. personal data are processed only to the extent that is necessary to achieve the purpose of data processing,
    4. personal data is processed in accordance with this privacy policy,
    5. personal data is corrected and updated if necessary.
  1. The violation or attempted violation of the rules on the processing and protection of personal data is in particular:
  2. breach of security of IT systems in which personal data are processed, if processed in such systems,
  3. providing or enabling data sharing to unauthorized persons or entities,
  4. failure to keep personal data confidential and to secure it,
  5. processing personal data contrary to the assumed scope and purpose of their collection,
  6. violation of the rights of persons whose data are processed.
  1. If a breach of personal data protection is found, TICK assesses whether the breach may have risked a violation of the rights or freedoms of individuals. In any situation where the violation may have caused the risk of violation of the rights or freedoms of natural persons (“Users”), TICK shall report the violation of data protection principles to the supervisory authority without undue delay – if it is feasible, no later than within 72 hours after finding the violation. If the risk of violation of rights and freedoms is high, TICK also notifies the data subject about the incident.
  1. Any data subject (if TICK is their data administrator) has the right to:
  • the rectification of personal data,
  • delete personal data,
  • the restrictions on the processing of personal data,
  • object to the processing of personal data,
  • move data,
  • file a complaint to the supervisory body (i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection),
  • the revocation of consent to the processing of personal data, if it has previously given such consent.
  1. The rules for exercising the rights listed above are described in art. 16 – 21 GDPR, the content of which the User can find, for example here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/PL/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32016R0679 or here: https://giodo.gov.pl/234/id_art/9276/j/pl
  1. These rights are not absolute to the User and depend on the circumstances of processing their personal data. However, always, if he thinks that during the processing of his personal data TICK has violated the provisions on the protection of personal data, he has the opportunity to file a complaint to the supervisory body (the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection).

If necessary, he can also contact TICK, for example by sending an email to: support@tickeu.com, to share information about which User’s personal data and for what purposes are processed by TICK.

  1. Personal data is processed only by persons authorized by TICK or a processor with whom TICK closely cooperates, i.e. a hosting service, Amazon, a law firm, as well as an accounting office, if their transfer to a law firm or accounting office is necessary in order to fulfill obligations or use powers provided by law. Persons who, when providing technical support related to website, may potentially gain access to User’s personal data.

Amazon, means the Amazon group, which includes entities indicated below:

Grupa Amazon / Amazon companyAdres/Address
Amazon Development Center Austria GmbHBrueckenkopfgasse 1, Graz, 8020, Austria
Amazon Data Services Austria GmbH25, Schottenring, Vienna, 1010, Austria
Amazon Web Services Belgium SPRLAvenue des Arts 27 bte 5ème étage, Brussels, 1040, Belgium
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, succursale belgeAvenue des Arts 27 bte 5ème étage, Brussels, 1040, Belgium
The Book Depository (International) Limitedno. 4, Andreak Zakou Street, Nicosia, 2404, Cyprus
Amazon Logistic Prague s.r.o.252 61 Dobrovíz, U Trati 216, Czech Republic
Amazon Data Services Czech Republic s.r.o.Klimentska 1216/46, Prague 1, 11000, Czech Republic
Amazon Czech Republic Services s.r.o.Evropská 2758/11, Dejvice, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
A100 ROW GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
AbeBooks Europe GmbHRonsdorfer Strasse 77a, Dusseldorf, 40233, Germany
Amazon Distribution GmbHAmazon Strasse 1, Leipzig, 04347, Germany
Amazon Logistik GmbHAmazonstr. 1, Bad Hersfeld, 36251, Germany
Amazon Deutschland Services GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Audible GmbHSchumannstr. 6, Berlin, 10117, Germany
Amazon Fulfillment Germany GmbHAmazonstr.1, 47495 Rheinberg, Germany
Amazon Deutschland Transport GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon Instant Video Germany GmbHDomagkstr. 28, München, 80807, Germany
Amazon FC Graben GmbHAmazonstrasse 1, Graben, 86836, Germany
Amazon CS Berlin GmbHKarl-Liebknecht-Strasse 5, Berlin, 10178, Germany
Amazon Web Services Germany GmbHKrausenstr. 38, Berlin, 10117, Germany
Amazon Koblenz GmbHAmazonstrasse 1, Kobern-Gondorf, 56330, Germany
Amazon Pforzheim GmbHAmazonstrasse 1, Pforzheim, 75177, Germany
Amazon Online Germany GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon VCC GmbHKarl-Liebknecht-Strasse 5, Berlin, 10178, Germany
Amazon Development Center Germany GmbHKrausenstr. 38, Berlin, 10117, Germany
Amazon Logistik Potsdam GmbHHavellandstr. 5, Brieselang, 14656, Germany
Amazon Logistik Werne GmbH25, Wahrbrink, Werne, 59368, Germany
Amazon EU SARL, Niederlassung DeutschlandMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon City Logistik Beta GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon City Logistik Gamma GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon Logistik AF München GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon City Logistik Alpha GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon Verteilzentrum Krefeld GmbHAn der Roemerschanze 19, Krefeld, 47809, Germany
Amazon Logistik Frankenthal GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon Logistik Winsen GmbHBorgwardstr. 10, Winsen (Luhe), 21423, Germany
Amazon Logistik Moenchengladbach GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Amazon Logistik Dortmund GmbHKaltbandstr. 4, Dortmund, 44145, Germany
Amazon Logistik Westfalenhuette GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Twitch Interactive Germany GmbHMarcel-Breuer-Str. 12, Muenchen, 80807, Germany
Lovefilm Danmark A/SHolbergsgade 14, 2.tv., Copenhagen, 1057 Copenhagen, Denmark
Amazon Data Services Denmark ApSØrestads Boulevard 73, Copenhagen, 2300, Denmark
Amazon Web Services, Dansk filial af Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, LuxembourgØrestads Boulevard 73, Copenhagen, 2300, Denmark
Amazon Spain Fulfillment, S.L.U.Avenida De Astronomia, 24 San Fernando De Henares, Madrid, 28830, Spain
Amazon Spain Services, S.L.Calle Ramirez de Prado, Num. 5, Madrid, 28045, Spain
Amazon Web Services Spain, S.L.Calle Ramirez de Prado, Num. 5, Madrid, 28045, Spain
Amazon EU SARL, Sucursal en EspañaCalle Ramirez de Prado, Num. 5, Madrid, 28045, Spain
Amazon Online Spain, S.L.U.Calle Ramirez de Prado, Num. 5, Madrid, 28045, Spain
BCN1 Fulfillment, S.L.U.Avenida De Astronomia, 24 San Fernando De Henares, Madrid, 28830, Spain
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, sucursal en EspañaCalle Ramirez de Prado, Num. 5, Madrid, 28045, Spain
Oy Modilis LabsLaivakatu 3, Helsinki, 00150, Finland
Amazon Web Services Finland OyAsianajotsto MK-Law Oy, Hirsalantie 11, Jorvas, 02420, Finland
Amazon Data Services Finland Oyc/o Dittmar & Indrenius, Pohjoisesplanadi 25 A, FI-00100, Helsinki, Finland
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, sivuliike SuomessaAatsto MK-Law Oy, Jorvas Hitech Hirsalavägen 11, 02420 Jorvas, Finland
Amazon France Logistique SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Amazon Technological Services SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Amazon Support Services France SAS31 place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, Courbevoie, 92400, France
Amazon Online France SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Comixology Europe SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Amazon France Services SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Amazon City SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Curse SARL138, bld Pereire, Paris, 75017, France
Amazon France Transport SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Amazon Data Services France SAS31 place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, Courbevoie, 92400, France
ORY4FULFILLMENT SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
ORY9SORTATION SAS67 boulevard du Général Leclerc, Clichy, 92110, France
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, succursale française31 place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, Courbevoie, 92400, France
A100 ROW, Inc. [UK Branch Office]1st Floor, Westcott House, 4 Ferrymuir, South Queensferry, EH30 9QZ, United Kingdom
Amazon Development Centre (Scotland) LimitedWaverley Gate, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EG, Scotland
Amazon UK Services Ltd.1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Aphid LimitedCannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AF, England
Audible Limited26-28 Glasshouse Yard, The Glasshouse, London, EC1A 4JU, England
IMDB Services Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Internet Movie Database Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Lovefilm International Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Amazon Video Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Video Island Entertainment Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Push Button Holdings Limited26-28 Glasshouse Yard, The Glasshouse, London, EC1A 4JU, England & Wales
Amazon Development Centre (London) LimitedLeadenhall Court, One Leadenhall Street, London, EC3V 1PP, England
The Book Depository Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Dodo Press Limited1020 Eskdale Road, Winnersh, Wokingham, RG41 5TS, England
Evi Technologies LimitedPoseidon House, Castle Park, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 0RD, England
Amazon Web Services UK Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Amazon Online UK Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Amazon EU SARL, UK Branch1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Amazon Capital Services (UK) Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Elemental Technologies Limited2nd Floor, 1310 Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading, Theale, Reading, RG7 4SA, England
Amazon Data Services UK Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Twitch UK Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Curse Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Thinkbox Software UK Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, UK Branch1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Game Sparks Technologies Limited [UK Branch]1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
Fresh & Wild Holdings Limited63/97, Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SE, England & Wales, United Kingdom
Fresh & Wild Limited63/97, Kensington High Street, London, W8 5SE, England & Wales, United Kingdom
Amazon Payments UK Limited1 Principal Place, Worship Street, London, EC2A 2FA, England
The Book Depository International LimitedP.O. Box 25, Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, GY1 3AP, Guernsey
The Book Depository (Guernsey) LimitedP.O. Box 25, Regency Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port, GY1 3AP, Guernsey
Amazon Int’l., Inc. [Croatia Representative Office]Gramaca 21, Zagreb, Croatia
Amazon CS Ireland LimitedUnit 27, 6400 Cork Airport Business Park, Kinsale Road, Cork, Ireland
Amazon Data Services Ireland LimitedOne Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
Amazon Web Services Ireland LimitedOne Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
FindTheBest Ireland LimitedRiverside One, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin, IE, 2
Game Sparks Technologies Limited64 Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland
Amazon Energy Eoraip LimitedOne Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, Irish BranchOne Burlington Plaza, Burlington Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
Amazon Italia Customer Services S.R.L.KM 6,500, Viale Monastir, Zona Industriale CACIP, Cagliari, Italy
Amazon Italia Services S.R.L.Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon Italia Logistica S.R.L.Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon Web Services Italy S.R.L.Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon City Logistica S.R.L.11, Via Aurelio Nicolodi, Milan, 20161, Italy
Amazon EU S.a r.l. [Italian Branch]Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Nice s.r.l.2, Via Santa Maria alla Porta, Milan, 20123, Italy
Amazon Online Italy s.r.l.Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon Italia Transport S.R.L.Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon Development Center Italy S.R.L.Viale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, sede secondariaViale Monte Grappa 3/5, Milano, 20124, Italy
Amazon EU S.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Eurasia Holdings S.à r.l. [Macedonia Representative Office]Str. Mito Hadjivasilev, Jasmin No. 52v- 1/7, Skopje-Center, Macedonia, The former Republic of Yugoslavia
A100 ROW, Inc. [Netherlands Branch Office]1, Johanna Westerdijkplein, EN’s-Gravenhage, 2521, Netherlands
Kiva Systems B.V.1, Johanna Westerdijkplein, EN’s-Gravenhage, 2521, Netherlands
Amazon Development Center (Netherlands) B.V.1, Johanna Westerdijkplein, EN’s-Gravenhage, 2521, Netherlands
Liquavista B.V.Kastanjelaan 400, Building SFH, Eindhoven, 5616LZ, Netherlands
Amazon Web Services Netherlands B.V.1, Johanna Westerdijkplein, EN’s-Gravenhage, 2521, Netherlands
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, Dutch Branch1, Johanna Westerdijkplein, EN’s-Gravenhage, 2521, Netherlands
Amazon NL International Holdings B.V.1, Johanna Westerdijkplein, EN’s-Gravenhage, 2521, Netherlands
Amazon Data Services Norway ASc/o Kvale Advokatfirma, Haakon VIIs gate 10, Oslo, 0161, Norway
Ivona Software sp. z o.o.Al. Grunwaldzka 472, Gdansk, 80-309, Poland
Amazon Web Services Poland sp. z o.o.9, ul. Cybernetyki, Warsaw, 02-677, Poland
Amazon Fulfillment Poland sp. z o.o.ul. Poznanska 1d, Sady, Poland, 62-080
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Oddział w Polsce9, ul. Cybernetyki, Warsaw, 02-677, Poland
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, Sucursal em PortugalPraça Duque de Saldanha, 1 Edif. Atrium Saldanha, Piso 7, Lisbon, 1050-094, Portugal
Amazon Data Services Portugal, LdaPraça Duque de Saldanha, 1 Edif. Atrium Saldanha, Piso 7, Lisbon, 1050-094, Portugal
Amazon Development Center (Romania) S.R.L.27A, Sf. Lazăr Street, United Business Center 5, 2nd floor, Iaşi, Iaşi County, Romania
Twitch Sweden ABKungsgatan 49, 11122 Stockholm, Sweden
Amazon Web Services Sweden ABKungsgatan 49, 11122 Stockholm, Sweden
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, Sverige filialKungsgatan 49, 11122 Stockholm, Sweden
Amazon /Slovakia/ s.r.o.Suite 100, Námestie 1. mája 18, Park One, Bratislava, 811 06, Slovakia
Amazon Fulfillment Slovakia s.r.o.Amazonska 4753/1, Sered, 92601, Slovakia
Amazon Eurasia Holdings S.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
FinLux S.à r.l.5 rue Plaetis, Luxembourg, L-2338, Luxembourg
Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Global Store EU s.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Twitch Europe s.à r.l.38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon International Services SARL38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
Amazon Business EU SARL38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
  1. In addition to the above-mentioned entities, TICK may disclose the User’s personal data and other data to entities authorized under applicable law (e.g. law enforcement authorities).
  2. User’s personal data may also be processed by entities outside the European Union. The appropriate level of data protection, including through the use of appropriate safeguards, ensures the participation of these entities in the EU-US-Privacy Shield program, established by an implementing decision of the European Commission as a set of rules guaranteeing adequate protection of the User’s privacy.
  3. User’s personal data may be transferred to a third country only if the conditions set out in law are met, including:
  4. the country to which TICK transfers personal data provides an adequate level of protection in accordance with the decision of the European Commission;
  5. the data is transferred to a recipient in the US who is registered in the Privacy Shield program, such as Amazon, which is subject to EU-US Privacy Shield certification. The User may check this circumstance at any time by visiting the following website: https://www.privacyshield.gov/list/;
  6. data is provided on the basis of standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission;
  7. the transfer is necessary for the performance of the contract between TICK and the User or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at the User’s request;
  8. the transfer is necessary to establish, pursue or protect TICK’s claims;
  9. the User explicitly agreed to the transfer of data.
  1. As part of the website maintained, TICK may automatically adapt certain content to the User’s needs, i.e. make profiling using the User’s personal data. This profiling is primarily based on the automatic assessment of which products or services the User may be interested in, based on previous activities, and on displaying advertisements of products or services thus profiled. Profiling that we do does not result in decisions that cause legal effects to the User or affect the User in a similarly significant way.
  1. Upon entering the TICK Website, information which is not assigned to specific persons (e.g. type of internet browser and type of operating system used from which the User got to the TICK website, date and time of website visit, website domain name, the number of visits to the website and the average time spent on it or viewed websites is collected automatically, i.e. not by registration). The data is collected and saved for marketing and optimization purposes. You can create pseudonymous User profiles from this data. Cookies may be used for this purpose.





Purpose and period of personal data processing.

  1. The period of data processing is closely related to the purpose and basis of their processing. In connection with the above, TICK will process data:
  2. based on the User’s voluntary consent, i.e. pursuant to art. 6 clause 1 lit. a GDPR, for the purposes indicated in the consent (in this case, the User may withdraw consent at any time, which will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal; however, refusing or withdrawing consent will result in TICK not will be able to process data for the purposes indicated in the consent) – for the duration of data processing on this basis, which expires with the withdrawal of consent,
  3. processed on the basis of contractual requirements, i.e. pursuant to art. 6 clause 1 lit. b GDPR, in order to perform the contract concluded with TICK or take up at the request of the data subject actions before its conclusion – for the period necessary for the implementation of the contract concluded with TICK including service, warranty and post-warranty services, complaints,
  4. processed on the basis of statutory requirements, i.e. on the basis of art. 6 clause 1 lit. c GDPR, in order for TICK to fulfill legal obligations under European Union law or Polish law, e.g. conducting financial reporting – for the time when legal regulations require the storage of data, e.g. if data must be stored, for financial reporting purposes, then their storage time is 5 years calculated from the end of the accounting year in which the accounting document was issued;
  5. processed on the basis of TICK’s legitimate interests, i.e. art. 6 clause 1 lit. f GDPR – until the purpose of processing has ceased (e.g. data processed for the purpose of pursuing or defending against claims for a time equal to the period of limitation of these claims) or effective objection.
  6. User data will be processed by TICK only for the period in which it has a legal basis for it, i.e. until:
  7. will cease to have a legal obligation on TICK, obliging to process User’s data or
  8. the possibility of pursuing claims related to the concluded contract will cease or
  9. the User will withdraw consent to the processing of data.
  10. Objection to the processing of personal data will be accepted – if the basis for data processing was the legitimate interest of TICK or the data was processed for direct marketing (including profiling), depending on what applies in a given case and which will occur at the latest.

The data is secured against violation of the principles of their protection. An information obligation is fulfilled for the data subject in accordance with art. 13 and 14 GDPR.



Specifying the technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accountability of the data processed.


  1. TICK ensures the application of technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure confidentiality, integrity, accountability and continuity of data processing.
  2. TICK is committed to ensuring that security measures are adequate to the level of risk identified for individual systems, file types and data categories. These measures include, inter alia:
  3. limiting access to rooms in which personal data are processed only to appropriately authorized persons. Other people may stay in the rooms used for data processing only in the company of an authorized person,
  4. protecting a website using SSL certificates,
  5. protect computer hardware against malware,
  6. securing access to computer equipment using passwords and an access login,
  7. securing access to the site administration panel using passwords and an access login.





  1. The TICK website uses cookies (HTTP Cookies). These are data, in particular small fragments of text that are stored on the User’s end device and are intended for using the website of the TICK website. As a rule, they contain the name of the website of their origin, storage time on the end device and number. They allow to recognize the User’s device and properly display the website tailored to his individual preferences. When the browser reconnects to the site, it recognizes the type of device the User connects to. Parameters allow reading the information contained therein only to the server that created them. Cookies therefore facilitate the use of previously visited websites.
  1. The information collected relates to the IP address, type of browser used, language, type of operating system, Internet service provider, time and date information, location.
  1. The collected data is used to monitor and check how Users use the TICK website to improve the functioning of the website, providing more efficient and trouble-free navigation. The monitoring of information about TICK Users is performed using the Google Analytics tool and Google AdWords, which registers the User’s behavior on the website.
  1. 4. Cookies:
  2. are saved in the device’s memory (computer, telephone, etc.) of the User;
  3. they enable use of all site functions;
  4. they do not change the settings of the User’s device.

By using the appropriate browser options, the User may at any time:

  • delete cookies,
  • block the use of cookies in the future.

The website uses cookies for the purposes of:

  • remembering information about the User’s session,
  • statistical,
  • marketing,
  • sharing the functions of the TICK website.

If the User wants to learn how to manage cookies, including how to turn them off in their browser, they can use the browser’s help file. You can read this information by pressing the F1 key in your browser. In addition, appropriate tips can be found by the User on the following subpages, depending on the browser they use:

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge.

If the User does not disable the use of cookies in the browser settings, it means that he agrees to their use. Disabling or limiting the use of cookies may cause difficulties in using the TICK website or other websites that use cookies.

6. The TICK Website uses the following cookies:

  1. a) “necessary” cookies, enabling the use of services available on the website, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication on the website;
  1. b) cookies used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect fraud in the field of authentication on the website;
  1. c) “performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information on the use of website pages;
  1. d) “functional” cookies, enabling “remembering” the settings selected by the User and personalizing the User’s interface, eg in terms of the language or region of the user’s origin, font size, website appearance, etc .;
  1. e) “advertising” cookies, enabling users to provide advertising content more tailored to their interests,
  1. f) cookies from third parties cooperating with TICK are Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google. More information about these cookies can be found on the websites of individual third parties based on the following information.



Other electronic tools.

  1. Google Analytics – it is a statistical system, which collects data on Users who visit a given website. Data collection is enabled by special JavaScript code installed on the website. This code collects specific data about the User when he enters the website and then sends the codes to Google Analytics. A summary of such data can later be viewed in the form of various extensive reports. Google Analytics is provided by Google LLC, adres: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Servers on which data is stored are located outside the European Union, most often in the USA. However, Google LLC has joined the EU-US-Privacy Shield program to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data required by European Union law. For companies that have a Privacy Shield certificate, the European Commission has determined an adequate level of data protection.

TICK collects data using Google Analytics in a legitimate interest. The statistics and analyzes created will be used to improve the TICK website.

  1. Facebook – TICK has a company page (Fanpage) on the social networking site Facebook and uses marketing tools available and provided by Facebook Inc., adres: 1601 S. California Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. TICK uses the following Facebook social networking tools:
  2. a) Facebook plug-ins on the TICK website (redirect button) and other social tools offered by Facebook when running the TICK company website (Funpage). Plugins and other social tools allow Facebook to interact with the browser of the User who has entered the TICK website and display information that the TICK website has been viewed and from which IP number. When the User visits the TICK Website containing plugins, they are initially inactive. The plugins are not activated until the User clicks on the button on the page. By activating the plugins, the User establishes a connection to Facebook and agrees to the transfer of data to Facebook. If the User is logged in to Facebook, Facebook may associate the visit with the User’s account on Facebook. After pressing a specific button, the relevant information is transmitted directly to Facebook by the User’s browser and stored there in accordance with Facebook policy. This data is stored on Facebook servers.
  3. b) Pixel Facebook, which is a fragment of JavaScript code pasted in the header of the company website (Funpage). This tool helps to measure the effectiveness of TICK marketing activities based on the analysis of actions taken by Facebook users on TICK Fanpage.

The information collected as part of Facebook Pixel is anonymous, i.e. it does not allow TICK to identify the User. Facebook may combine information obtained using Pixel with other information about the User collected as part of the User’s use of the social networking site Facebook and use for its own purposes, including marketing. TICK over Facebook’s own activities does not have control. For more information on Facebook’s privacy policy, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/legal/FB_Work_Privacy

TICK collects data via Pixel Facebook in a legitimate interest. Created statistics and analyzes will be used to improve the TICK Website and better marketing of its services.

Facebook servers on which data is stored are located outside the European Union, most often in the USA. Facebook Inc. however, it joined the EU-US-Privacy Shield program to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data required by European Union law. As mentioned above, for companies holding this certificate, the European Union has found an adequate level of data protection.

  1. LinkedIn – TICK also has a company website organized on the LinkedIN social networking site and uses marketing tools available and provided by LinkedIn  Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. TICK uses the LinkedIn plugin on the TICK website (redirect button) and other social tools offered by LinkedIn when operating the TICK company website. When the User visits the TICK website containing plugins, they are initially inactive. The plugins are not activated until the User clicks on the button on the page. By activating the plugins, the User establishes a connection to the LinkedIn website and agrees to the transfer of data to the LinkedIn website. If the User is logged in to LinkedIn, LinkedIn may link the visit to the User’s account on LinkedIn. After pressing the appropriate button, the relevant information is transmitted directly to LinkedIn by the User’s browser and stored there.

TICK over LinkedIn’s own activities does not have control.

For more information on LinkedIn’s privacy policy, please visit: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy.

  1. Twitter – TICK also has a company website organized on the social networking site Twitter and uses marketing tools available and provided by Twitter, Inc. c/o Trust & Safety –Legal Policy, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103, USA; Twitter International Company c/o Trust & Safety, One Cumberland Place Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07 Irlandia. TICK uses the Twitter plugin on the TICK website (redirect button) and other social tools offered by Twitter when running the TICK company website. When the User visits the TICK website containing plugins, they are initially inactive. The plugins are not activated until the User clicks on the button on the page. By activating the plugins, the User establishes a connection with Twitter and agrees to the transfer of data to Twitter. If the User is logged in to Twitter, Twitter may associate the visit with the User’s account on Twitter. After pressing the appropriate button, the relevant information is transmitted directly to Twitter by the User’s browser and is stored there.

TICK over Twitter’s own activities does not have control.

For more information on Twitter’s privacy policy, please visit: https://twitter.com/en/privacy.

If the User does not want social networking sites to assign data collected during visits to the TICK website directly to the User’s profile on the given website, then before visiting the TICK website, the User should log out of this website. The user also has the option of completely preventing the loading of plugins on the TICK website using dedicated extensions of the web browser he uses, for example by blocking scripts.

  1. The TICK website is stored on an external server , the use of which involves sending queries to this server, and the queries are saved in the server’s logs.

Server logs include, in particular, the User’s IP address, server date and time, information about the web browser and the operating system used by the User. These data are not combined with specific persons who use the TICK website and are not used by TICK to identify the User.


Final provisions.

  1. Links to other websites may appear on TICK. Such websites operate independently of the TICK website and are not supervised by TICK. These websites may have their own privacy policies and regulations, which TICK is recommended to read.
  2. TICK reserves the right to change this website privacy policy, which may be affected by the development of internet technology, changes in the law on personal data protection and further development of the website. TICK will inform you of any changes in a visible and understandable way.

This Policy is effective from 01/03/2020.