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  • Amazon begins selling in Saudi Arabia
Tick 15th July 2020 0 Comments

After the increase in consumers making online purchases in Saudi Arabia, Amazon decided to start selling for this country. Sales are made via Amazon

This change will undoubtedly increase the number of Amazon plus markets and will provide sellers with one more network connection reaching a large number of customers. The Saudi Arabian market currently has around 8,000 sellers. Sales in this country mainly take place locally and Amazon is also going to rely on it in this country.

Amazon Prime does not yet work for customers living in Saudi Arabia. However, orders over 200 SAR are eligible for free shipping and delivery within a few days.

“The new store combines Souq’s best local know-how with Amazon’s global retail experience. The range of products in the store ranges from local products to products from around the world, including Amazon US.”

Sales in Saudi Arabia are growing surprisingly quickly. The large number of online consumers is undoubtedly the result of the high number of accessibility to mobile devices with internet access. Certainly, interest in the fashion industry has a significant impact on the situation of sales growth. It should be noted that Souq already has an established position on the market. Therefore, the acquisition of the company by Amazon can be a great success.

External sellers who supply products in this particular market should also benefit. It may turn out that Amazon will pay special attention to the importance of external sellers and their growth on the site.

It is also speculated that Amazon will soon start operations in Egypt, so follow our blog.