10 years of experience

With us, your work will be much more effective.

You do not believe? Please let us tell you a little bit about ourselves.

Who are we and what do we do?

We have accumulated more than a decade market experience. The beginnings of our activity were based on sales brokerage, mainly through the platform Amazon. Thanks to continuous development we were able to expand our offer also to other foreign platforms. Starting our adventure with trading on Amazon, we also decided to create a system, which will improved work and increased sales efficiency. We continuously and tirelessly improve our system so our clients can achieve their goals, targets, their work brings excellent results and becomes much simpler and more pleasant.
Throughout the entire activity, and through numerous restrictions imposed by the EU and Amazon, we also help companies find their place on foreign markets. In the case of distance selling, many requirements must be met, such as registering a company for foreign VAT. We help companies with VAT registrations in the EU. At the moment, we register in 22 EU countries and submit VAT declarations in these countries. At the same time, thanks to the accumulated experience, we provide the service of unlocking the Amazon account, we conduct an audit and train company employees in order to manage the account on the Amazon platform as effectively as possible.

Transparent Offer

Transparent Offer

A precise offer, tailored to the client's needs.



Thanks to the experience gained, we try to help as best we can.



We are not laymen and we approach each case with great care and attention.

Customer First

Customer First

We approach each one individually, we try to meet the client's needs.

Why Should You Choose Us?

Our Work Ethics

There are a number of principles that guide us from the very beginning, these are:

We present our offer and terms and conditions in such a way that it is as understandable as possible for the client. We also provide assistance in selecting the most appropriate solution for your store to increase its sales efficiency and reach the set targets.

We are a team that has been on the market for more than 10 years. Throughout this time, we have gained the knowledge we need in the e-commerce industry to be able to offer the highest quality services.

Due to the fact that our employees are qualified specialists with many years of experience, they will certainly adapt the functionality of the system created over the years to your needs or assist you in any other inquiries.

We put the client’s needs first. Undoubtedly, dialogue is important to us, thanks to which we are able to meet the requirements of even the most demanding customers.

Our team

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